Stretching Superman

Father figure: Marlon Brando in 'Superman: The Movie'Jim Emerson directed me to this fascinating article from The Journal of Religion and Film. The piece is remarkable less for its topic – a comparison of Superman to Jesus Christ – than its approach. In its analysis, the thorough, sometimes smart, and often laughable article uses the first two Christopher Reeve Superman movies as its text for the Man of Steel. That’s akin to using the movie The Last Temptation of Christ as the authoritative source on Jesus’ life.

Dissociative Disorder: Movies with Multiple Personalities

Steve Martin and Claire DanesTwo movies live in Shopgirl. One is a creepy but strangely touching May-December romance between Claire Danes and Steve Martin. The other stars Danes and Jason Schwartzman in a screwball comedy, with an intrusive, superfluous voice-over. The first of these movies is surprisingly good; the second sucks. Plus: Silent Hill, another schizophrenic film.

Toodle-fucking-oo, Part Two

I just started watching Deadwood this week – late adopter and all – but found this essay compelling. Comparing the show to both Shakespeare and the first two parts of The Godfather, Andrew Dignan offers trenchant insights not only about HBO’s western series but about the Bard and Coppola’s movies.

How We Like to Watch

In an aimless, nearly endless essay (more than 3,000 words), Wagstaff brings up some fascinating questions in what mostly functions as a personal remembrance of the circumstances of watching movies: “Most film criticism is rightly focused on the movie itself. The purpose of this essay is to clear a little spot of ground for the circumstances that surround watching a movie, the things that affect so strongly how we see it.”